What happens once you get that diploma...or even earlier in specific experiences? Emerging adulthood identities the ages of 18-25 years old, where individuals undergo increased responsibility, financial independence, identity exploration and straight up change. When you throw a panda express (pandemic) on top of that we begin to see patterns in emotionality, mentality and overall wellbeing. Tune in, Tap in and Buckle up as Lauren Dixon (Spelman '21), MLK jr + more join ,Treasure T for a very 'Alice Into the Looking Glass-esque'
review of young adulthood. Link us here: https://soundcloud.com/gombeyhouse/441fm-ep-1b-the-blueprint?si=e055136ec6ca4f20adffc2ef78509887&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing